Tuesday 3 February 2015

Troubleshooting for Signal Loss on your FFW-718 Fish Finder

  I have another information to share for every Fishing Hobbyist out there about the signal loss problem on their Lucky Fish Finder FFW-718. Some would definitely find the Main Unit as the Culprit but it's not, the fault is probably on your Wireless Sensor. Yes you have read it right, the sensor is at fault when there is no signal since it's the wireless sensor that transmit signal to the main unit. So continue reading up to the very end of this post to know the troubleshooting that you can do to get the signal back to your unit.

When you have encountered signal loss on your Fish Finder one of the things you can do is to check if the battery of the Wireless Sensor is installed correctly. Kindly do the step by step as per the instruction in the photo. If the battery is not well installed, then the sensor cannot transmit signal, just so the handset cannot receive any signal and display "No signal".


If you have done the instruction above and the problem is still there, I advise you to check if water went inside the sensor. Did you know that even a little water invisible to our naked eyes may cause the sensor to fail. So open the battery compartment cover of the sensor and place it under the sun and let it dry for about half an hour. Or you may use air blower to let it dry. Please be reminded to not hold the air blower too close to the sensor and do not blow continuously to avoid causing damage on the sensor. When the sensor is already dry, it is better to change new battery as well and have a test again with your Fish Finder.

So there you have it, the above mentioned troubleshooting techniques to fix the problem in your wireless sensor. If the problem still persist I advise you to check with the supplier where you bought your Fishing Gears on the next step you can do.

Do you have any suggestion on how to fix this problem? Your suggestions and comments are so much welcome.