Monday 14 March 2016

Meet your new pH meter Buddy

Having problem with your pH meter? Tired of changing your meter because of inaccuracy and defective probe? We want to introduce one of our reliable item in terms of measuring pH level. 869-0, perhaps you have heard about this item and wondering what is this item really for. 869-0 is a pH meter, and for you to further understand what is the function of this device I will discuss it on my post for today. Before we discuss what this unit can do let's find out first what pH is. pH is also known as the power of hydrogen, it is the measured amount of free hydrogen and hydroxyl ions in a solution. It has a range of 0-14.00 in which 7- is neutral/normal reading and it can measure water or solution, measurement 7 and below means the water/solution is acidic or has free hydrogen, while if the measurement is 7 and above it means that the water/solution is considered as base or has free hydroxyl ion. To fully understand pH please visit my blog (Understanding pH more). What are the qualifications we are looking for in order to find the right pH meter? Of course we need a pH meter that will not cost us much but will surely give us an accurate measurement and will last long.

Well here's my recommendation for you, a meter that will not cost you much money, but will surely last long with accurate readings. Curious of which item I am referring to? Let's figure out what this item is. Well this item is a pH pen model with a unique shape, it features a dual display for pH and ATC (Automatic Temperature Compensation) with a very high accuracy. 869-0 is an IP67 with 100% waterproof and dust-proof, even if you immersed it up to 1 meter solution. It can be apply to the following test; Pools, Aquariums, Laboratories, Aquaculture, Car Washes, Water Testing, Urine Test, Waste water treatment and many more applications that require pH measurement

869-0 is tested according to European international guidelines and standards (CE Marking). It has 3 points Calibration (pH 4, 7,10) which can be calibrated manually and automatically, you just have to press 1 key to auto-calibrate the unit. No worries for reading the result, it has a big digital LCD display for readability. If your probe will be damage, no need to hustle yourself in replacing the whole unit, because the probe is replaceable, the glass bulb in the probe is protected by a transparent plastic cover to ensure the accuracy. The pH value is automatically adjusted in temperature between 0~50°C (32~122°F).

pH869-0 will surely be your buddy in measuring pH level, it will provide you an accurate result. If you're interested with our pH869-0, please visit our store gainexpress for more detailed information. We will be happy to hear your thoughts about this item. You may comment your questions about this item and we will try our best to answer all your questions.

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